Adam Robertson

Adam Robertson

Company: Hemispherian

Job title: Chief Scientific Officer


Plenary Panel: How Do You Select the Best Model for Your Study & Achieve the Best Balance of Preclinical Tumour Models? 9:00 am

Unveiling how integrating multiple tumour models can enhance predictive accuracy and improve translational relevance Uncovering actionable insights into streamlining tumour model research amidst increasing financial and logistical pressure Addressing the critical need for next-generation tumour models that better mimic clinical outcomes, accelerating the path to successful therapiesRead more

day: Conference Day One

Targeted DNA Damage in Glioblastoma: Efficacy, Toxicology, and Clinical Advancements 12:00 pm

Exploring innovative mechanism of action through targeted DNA damage to selectively kill cancer cells Discussing results from orthotopic glioblastoma xenograft studies showing significant efficacy over standard therapies Highlighting progress in clinical readiness with completed toxicology studies and upcoming trialsRead more

day: Conference Day Two

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